08 April 2008

Speaking of political conversations on Twitter...

Kristen Forbriger points out something that should have been much more clear in my previous post about candidates on Twitter - the accounts I specifically mentioned are actually run by Polfeeds and not the campaigns themselves. Candidates have their own Twitter accounts as well, and the number of followers there are considerably higher - particularly for Senator Obama.

Of course, those Twitter accounts are also really one-way communication as well. They don't engage in conversations, and more importantly they don't participate in the community conversation.

This week I have a piece in the Council of PR Firms' new online publication, The Firm Voice, that looks at the importance of community over technology in social media. I write specifically about how @Campaign2008 relates to Virtual Vantage Points - VVP is our team's content and contribution to the overall discussion, while Campaign2008 serves as a gateway to the community of political and social media enthusiasts who are most likely to find our contributions interesting and useful. If we aren't making a relevant contribution, we're wasting our time. That's really how we approach outreach - not just in social media, but really any kind of outreach.

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