19 January 2011

#TweetMasdar and Much More

scene from #TweetMasdar
Today my pal Tim Hurst was in Masdar City (a client) with my colleagues hosting a "tweetup" for the World Future Energy Summit in Abu Dhabi.   I'm very excited that so many people chose to participate and share their thoughts.  Catch up on the #TweetMasdar conversation and share your thoughts - people keep chiming in.

The conference and Masdar City's leadership in it has been a topic of discussion among some leading green bloggers.  I'm looking forward to reading all the posts, but in the meantime here are a few to get you started:

Masdar: a $2 Billion Clean Energy City Grows in the Desert by Treehugger's Brian Merchant
Personal Rapid Transit in Masdar City by TriplePundit's Nick Aster
Masdar City Gets Real by Marc Gunther

Masdar is an amazing story, and I'm very pleased that so many good writers are out there covering it.  Oh, and maybe I'm just a little jealous of Tim.

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