16 April 2009

The World According To Mom: Update 5

Her Bad Mother's global mom-meme continues to grow. Now that bloggers from Ireland, the Netherlands, and Malaysia have joined in, I count more than 110 posts in or from 29 countries, and I know posts from more countries are on the way.

Global Voices Online continues to be enormously helpful - Solana Larsen published a story and issued the call to her global readership. I think that brought more attention from a global audience. I still find only posts in English (save one in English & Spanish) so I'm not sure that the meme will break much of a language barrier. We still haven't seen posts from countries I thought would join quickly - Japan, New Zealand, Belgium, Finland and Brazil, to name just a few - But I do know bloggers in places like Turkey and Pakistan have been tagged and/or are drafting posts.

One cool feature I haven't mentioned before - the 80clicks delicious page has an RSS feed so bloggers can easily add links to the blogs on the list as they're updated, or you can build rss widgets, or you can put the feed in your reader of choice.

Here are the additions since the last update:

Norway: American in Norway, Being More Through Having Less
USA: Don't Ask Me, I Just Work Here, Neurotic, Yet Classy, G's Blue Eyes, ana na uwr, a life reconstructed
Ireland: Irish Mammy On The Run, Jen's Rantings, Arty Feminist, mammydiaries
Canada: Kami's Khlopchyk
Sweden: Happysilly
UK: Diary of a Mad Mammy (she's in Northern Ireland)
India: The Mad Momma, Eve's Lungs, Of This And That, It's A Mom's World
Malaysia: Twopointthree kids, Sixpointsix ideas on raising them
Netherlands: Diligent Candy
Australia: Frog Ponds Rock, Life Or Something Like That, Memoirs2Cherish

As always, if you don't see yourself here (or more importantly at the 80clicks delicious page) just reach out via comment or email. And thanks to all who have participated and reached beyond borders!

UPDATE: Apparently I missed Beneath the Wings in Israel. Thanks to @mominisrael for letting me know via Twitter!


kate said...

Hi David! I did this meme but I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do to be included on the page. Here's my post: http://expatmama.blogspot.com/2009/04/five-things-ive-been-tapped-for-five.html.


Helen + ilana = Hi said...

is my post. Can you explain how to add the rss feed to this post only? Use small simple words please!

花蓮民宿 said...

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