14 January 2008

Beyond Bizlex: Around the World in 80 Clicks

It's going to be another very busy week, and my to-do lists and email inboxes are already stuffed. So probably another light week of posting. Kudos to my wife for pointing www.itsnotalecture.com/ to this blog - it just seems cool, and it's something I should have done a while ago.

I'll start the week by sharing my latest at Business Lexington - "Around the World in 80 Clicks." It's a quick list of online global business and industry-specific resources that Central Kentucky business leaders might find useful as they try to compete in a global economy. Kentucky is home to some industries that aren't typically considered to be dependent on the Internet, but there are thousands of interesting and helpful websites, blogs, and podcasts that offer a wealth of information for free. The trick is just knowing where to look. When I have time I'll probably offer up a few more - any suggestions on what to include? If I like them I'll include them in a follow-up column and give you credit...

I'd also love to get some opinions on Business Lexington's new online format. I think it's easier on the eye than the previous one, and it has some useful new social tools, such as comments and bookmarking tools. They've always been strong with podcasts. I would like to know if readers can still access the archives - I couldn't find that yet, and I think it's really important to have that available for the online audience. I'd still love to see them on twitter, where I'm getting a growing share of my information.

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