18 December 2007

The Six Million Dollar Man

I'm thinking maybe the Republicans might want to take notice of that whole Internet thing - for real - right about now.

Because Congressman Ron Paul officially matters. Even if he's still polling at less than 3 percent nationally.

He matters to the political set because he'll be tapping a finite resource of television and radio time with that record-breaking haul - preventing some of the "top tier" candidates from buying ads in Iowa and New Hampshire. If he leaves after February 5, watch for at least one of the candidates to start adopting some libertarian rhetoric (and courting Congressman Paul) in an attempt to raise some of the cash he's clearly shown he can acquire.

He matters to social media types because he's become the latest case study to review and to cite in our blogs, presentations, and client meetings. The Paul campaign is using creative means to tap into the community that they care about most and they've done a great job building extraordinarily deep support within that community -they haven't yet crossed into other communities, but he's a hero to this one.

Indeed, he matters most to libertarians because he's given them tangible milestones and accomplishments that other communities (and candidates) haven't achieved. He's strengthened the community and he's shown how they matter. Next cycle they'll be even more of a force to be reckoned with than they are now.


PunditMom said...

If only all the candidates would clue into the fact that the Internet matters. It seems that most candidates are still in the "old media" world.

Prof Mark said...

Ron Paul will be history by he end of February, but this is not 2004 and the R's are getting their heads handed to them in the social media space.

The Irritable Elephant

Julie Marsh said...

Being a Libertarian (in terms of political philosophy, anyway), I wish I could like Ron Paul. But having sifted through his positions on a number of issues, I just can't. Too many differences on too many issues that are top priorities for me.

That said, I'm always glad to see a candidate who doesn't fit the classic conservative or liberal mold attract widespread attention. Too bad he's not attracting more attention in the social media space.

Dolphin said...


Dolphin said...

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