27 September 2007

My wife scooped my company

It's been a crazy and a funny week. Yesterday I was in DC for my annual performance review. I got a promotion, and once I got out of the meeting I sent my wife a quick email to share the good news, and basically went back to work because I'm typically in my DC office for just a few days a month and there's always a lot going on.

About the same time my boss was writing an intra-office email announcing the promotion, my wife was, unbeknownst to me, blogging about it. We're a social media family - in addition to her Women's Health Matters blog, she writes our "couple" blog and she contributes to another group blog I put together for our globally dispersed extended family so people can keep everyone up to date. She mentions and links to my employer in both blogs. I don't normally name my employer here, but I'm not trying to hide it and it's not hard to discover - it's on my linkedin profile, for example.

So of course, the second she clicks on "publish post," a bunch of people in my company get a Google Alert. (Actually, I think two Google Alerts.) And since my boss is a busy guy - and frankly, there's not any huge rush to let people know about it - my wife posted before my boss finished the email.

So before my colleagues are learning about my promotion from my boss, they're learning about it from a blog.

And I doubt I've heard the last of it from my colleagues.


Anonymous said...

That's pretty hilarious. The office must've loved that.

Many congrats, and it's very, very well-deserved!

Motherhood Uncensored said...

Congrats David!

Drinks are on you :)

Sharon Tessandori said...

That's so funny! And most appropriate that the big news came straight from a blog!
Now go have a drink, or two. ;-)
Cheers to you!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations David! And, since you've already praised my e-mail prowess, I'll keep you in mind if my tenure gig doesn't turn out my way.


Mom101 said...

Well I'm glad I got to see you while you were still a lower-level underling and could treat you with the minimum of respect.

Congrats David - I'm sure whatever your fancy new role is, is only the beginning of great things to come. You know I'm a huge fan.

PunditMom said...

Congratulations! That is great and well-deserved news. I'll be able to say 'I knew you when!' ;)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations!! Not surprised, of course, but very happy for you!

Prof Mark said...

Congrats, David. As someone who went from Senior Associate to VP in two short years at APCO (let's do the math....your five year minus my two is three)...anyway...