04 September 2007

The fruits of our labor

I took a little time over labor day to assess my work and think about where I'm headed. I'm very grateful for the opportunities my job has afforded me and I appreciate the fact that I get to work on something new and different.

One of the things I like best about my job - at my company - is the relentless dedication to strategy over tactics. I work for a strategic communications company, not a social media release factory. (And no, that's not a slam on anyone. The social media release is an innovative tool that has changed how we look at communications, but today SMR's are commoditized. Even the folks who developed the SMR say it's the tactic, not the strategy.)

So much of "public relations" remains tactical, even operational. There are some who simply spend their days cranking out press releases from a template and care more about the AP Style Guide than telling and placing the right story for the right audience. And no, a media list of "political writers," for example, is not a strategy.

At my best, I have a specific reason for approaching every online writer I pitch. I'm interested in the relationship more than the daily placement. I take the time to know my audience and the issue. I work with my clients to figure out what the news is and what's relevant to particular people.

I also appreciate the fact that my job (and this blog) allows me to explore the issues that interest me. I finally got to do some actual reading of stuff from smart people and I have a few more topic ideas (and perhaps a new Best Blog EVAH).

It's been an amazingly productive summer, with new clients, new work, and new opportunities. Autumn is going to be very busy but I'm really looking forward to it.

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